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Refresher Days for those in Ministry

Come Aside and Rest a While:

Clergy and those in ministry facing ever increasing stress and pressure to deal with increasing workloads and expectations. Tobar Mhuire will host a series of 3 day short breaks to invite clergy and those in ministry to take time out to rest, reflect and be refreshed.

These residential experiences will include an input each day (see below), an opportunity for individual/group reflection as and if desired, good food, shared prayer and a chance to enjoy a good walk!

These days will be facilitated by Timothy Ray, Tobar Mhuire’s writer-in-residence, the author of eight books on Celtic spirituality, and an Ignatian spiritual director.

Inputs will be based on the theme of the Three Pillars of the Spiritual Life, exploring three practices which support and sustain a dynamic spiritual life: interior calmness (remaining mindful of the consequences of one’s daily actions), reflective vigilance (learning the patterns of God's activity in one's life), and active contemplation (becoming contemplative while involved in one’s daily life).


27th – 29th September – dedicated specifically for clergy

25th – 27th October – open to everyone engaged in ministry


For further information or booking please telephone 028 44 830242 or send a direct message on our Facebook page.


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