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Passionist Prayer

As a man of great prayer, Paul of the Cross wished his followers to pray without ceasing and desired our communities to become real schools of prayer, leading to a deep experience of God (Passionist Rule and Constitutions, #37.)


At the heart of our prayer is the Crucified Christ. Prayerful contemplation on Christ’s Passion, Death and Resurrection enables us to bring the fruit of that contemplation to those who are Christ Crucified in today’s world by standing in solidarity with those who suffer.


Living a life of prayer before God and among the people, each community shares the prayerful attitude of the Church.  Moved by the Spirit of God, as adopted sons we cry out:  Abba, Father!  In union with Christ, we praise the wondrous works of God.  We contemplate Christ's saving work for us and collaborate with Him in extending the scope of this mystery, while awaiting its final consummation. (Passionist Rule and Constitutions, #38.)


Our life of prayer, communal and individual, draws us to live in communion with the Most Holy Trinity.  In prayer, we respond to the loving initiative of the Father.  Led by the Holy Spirit, we unite ourselves with the Person of Christ, especially in the Paschal Mystery of His suffering, death and resurrection.


This mystery we contemplate through personal meditation, which leads us on to an ever growing love; this mystery we share through the daily events in which our lives and work involve us; this mystery we make to live again in our celebration of the Liturgy.


In this way our whole lives are united in prayer with Christ as together we journey towards our Father. (Passionist Rule and Constitutions, #39.)

Traditional Passionist Prayers


The Way of the Cross
  We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you,
  because we are inspired and energised by the memory of Your Passion,
  and so we take action with the Crucified of today. 
  We share in the joys and sorrows of our brothers and sisters who are marginalised,
  and so we announce the Gospel of the Passion of Jesus the Christ.


  May the Passion 
  of Our Lord Jesus Christ
  And the sorrows of Mary our Mother
  Be always in our hearts.


  Everything in Heaven and on Earth
  and under the earth
  Must bend the knee before the name of Jesus,
  And every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord
  Dwelling in the presence of God the Father.

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